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Let light shine out of darkness

It is the God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness", who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
(2 Cor 4:6)
This morning was a very special service with the baptism of Zara-Leigh and Evie-Rose. A baptism is a special service that symbolises that the one being baptised is welcomed and belongs to the family of the church as a follower of Jesus. Often it is an infant being baptised; however, baptism is open to all ages. During the service parents make promises to live within the Christian faith and to support their child to grow within that faith. Members of the church also make promises to support the family.  A candle is also lit and given to the family to symbolise the light of Christ in their lives, and this was the theme of this morning's service, led by Rev Phil Drake.

Our bible reading Luke 9:28-36 focused on "The Transfiguration" and Phil read this reflection on prayer:

"Prayer is like watching for the Kingfisher.
All you can do is be where he is likely to appear, and wait.
Often, nothing much happens;
There is space, silence and expectancy.
No visible sign, only the Knowledge that he's been there and may come again.
Seeing or not seeing cease to matter,
You have been prepared.
But sometimes, when you've almost stopped expecting it,
A flash of brightness gives encouragement."

("Disclosure", by Ann Lewin - 20th Century)

We also had a conversation around "What could you do this week to spread the light of God to others" whilst others created mirror badges as a reminder to reflect God's light into the lives of others.

To close the service, we learnt another new song, Christ be our light!