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Table Top Sales set to continue

Table Top Sales were one of our successes of 2013; however, at the beginning of the year, for a variety of reasons, the small group of organisers were unsure that they could sustain these through 2014.

The good news is that at its February meeting our Church Council recognised the strength and worth of our table top sales for serving our community and with a few more volunteers stepping forward table top sales are set to continue with a view to reviewing the position again in June.

Our intention was always to serve the community by providing tables for free. We are over joyed that so many join us each month. The lounge is always buzzing with conversation over coffee and bacon butties. As an added bonus we have found that kitchen and stall proceeds have provided us with a regular income of around £100 per month towards our redevelopment project. This has been critical in helping us to raise the required £40,000 in just over a year! Absolutely brilliant!

Thank you to everyone who contributes to their success and long may they continue. Our next sale is:

10.00 am to 12.00 noon Saturday 22 February 2014