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Order out of chaos

At our November own arrangement service we thought about God’s creation and Sabbath rest; inspired by Junior Church’s project on creation. Look at the fantastic artwork they produced - great work JC.

Gill had us making a zoo of noise as she told the story of the Morning of the World. We then looked at Hebrews Chapter 4 and thought about God’s day of rest ... not because he was tired but because his work was complete and he rejoiced about how good it was.

We are often so busy in our modern world and made so aware of our imperfections that we forget to rest in God, to put our faith in Him, knowing that we are part of His creation and acknowledging that it is good! We used our washing line to reflect on where and how we see our Creator God in the world.

Ruth then helped us to rest in God as we prayed quietly for the people and situations that concern us. 

We also said Thank you to John who is taking a rest from JC and during the service the children made light gift boxes for him.

Thank you to everyone who took part. God did indeed create order out of chaos!