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Shine 18 - 25 March 2007

  • Monday 19 March - 7.30 pm You are invited to come and sing King of Kinds the new musical by Darren Garfield. Please meet at St Andrew's for a meeting and first rehearsal. The musical will be performed with a choir from the Headingley circuit on Friday and Saturday 8/9 June. All ages and abilities welcome!!
  • Saturday 24 March - Easter craft morning 9.30 am to 12.00 noon, tickets £5 including refreshments. Elaine is running a craft morning to make and create some wonderful Easter goodies!
  • Sunday 25 March - 10.30 am Keith Bolton, 6.30 pm Circuit United Service at St Andrew's.
  • Thursday 29 March - National children's homes charity concert 7pm at Woodhouse Grove School. Tickets £4.00.
  • Saturday 31 March - Ladies' Wednesday Group Coffee Morning, 10 am to 12.00 noon, tea/coffee and biscuits 50p
    9.30 am Church spring clean - We are very fortunate that we have members of our church who take it in turns to regularly clean the church and this is a really big job for one person to do it weekly. A few of us were talking at the Faith Lunch last Sunday and thought that it would be a good idea for a group to get together to give the church a really good "spring clean" so that it would make it easer for whose who clean on a weekly basis. If you would like to help then please put on your rubber gloves and pinafores and come along.
  • 21 April - Daffodil day - Monday Mums are again organising this very popular event for Marie Curie. Tickets are £6 and include lunch and homemade cakes and tea/coffee. If you would like to do the crafts then there is a small charge of £1 on top of the ticket price (this is because last year there were some who didn't want to do the crafts but would rather watch). There's only a few tickets left so hurry to get yours.
  • 15 September - Sponsored walk - Please make a note of this date in your diary when we hope that many members of the church will support us by taking part in our famous sponsored walk ... finishing with one of our famous church teas! All ages welcome to participate. Watch this space!!!
  • Fans on church ceiling - It has been heard that some people in the church have been complaining about the fans being on all the time in church and that we don't need them on in our climate. The fans are an integral part of the central heating system and if they are not on all the heat generated by the radiators and fan blowers goes directly up to our high ceiling and sits there - in order words it is significantly colder in church if the fans are not on.
  • Blenheim - It was decided at the last Church Council meeting that the support we have provided through our collections in the basket in our church has run its course. Although we will still continue to support them in other ways, we will no longer be collecting on a weekly basis. Thank you to all those who have supported them in this way over the past few years.
  • Joyce - Just to let you know that we spoke to Joyce on Thursday and she is doing fine and enjoying being with ther daughter Karen and husband Michael. She is loving being pampered! She sends her love to everyone and wants you to know that she remembers her dear friends at Thackley in her prayers and thanks everyone for thinking about her too. She misses you all, but hopes to be coming up fairly soon and hopefully will get to church.
  • Please remember in your prayers Neville, Jean H, Mabel, Margaret A, Neil, Joyce, our Junior Church members.