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Shine 10-17 June 2007

Leading us in our worship this morning is Graham Banks. Leading us in worship next Sunday is Rev Keith Hunt.

Prayer for this week

For the recent Pray Without Ceasing event, celebrating, affirming and resourcing prayer across the 33 districts of the Methodist Church in Britain,
We offer thanks, gracious God.
For 22,000 hours of prayer events, hundred of faithful people exploring prayer and seeking to be close to you,
We offer thanks, gracious God.
For the worldwide church, the body of Christ, in which prayer is never silent,
We offer thanks, gracious God.
For our young people, who challenged the church and helped us to prayer,
We offer thanks, gracious God.
Accept this and all our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ.

Please remember in your prayers: Olive, Joyce, Neville and Heather.

Congratulations to: Adam and Helen (Elaine's daughter) who are to be married in Florida on 13 June 2007.

Talents challenge: Jackie D is gardening and baking, so come and enjoy morning coffee (10.00 am to 11.30 am) or afternoon tea (2.00 pm to 3.30 pm) in their garden on Saturday 7 July 2007. Tickets on sale soon - adults £1.50, children 75p. Bring your friends too!

Why are teenagers like cats?
1) Neither teenagers nor cats turn their heads when you call their name.
2) No matter what you do for them, it is never enough. Indeed, all human efforts are barely adequate to compensate them for the privilege of waiting on them hand and foot.
3) Even if you tell jokes as well as Eddy Izzard, neither your cat nor your teenager will ever crack a smile.
4) Neither cat nor teenager share your taste in music.

Diary date: The Ladies Group Summer Fair will take place on Saturday 30 June 2007 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. Stalls will include bric-a-brac, cakes, plants, books, bottle stall, raffle. For further information please speak to Chris T.

Flower rota:
17 June - Jackie M
24 June - Margaret W
1 July - Jean K
8 July - Margaret R
15 July - Audrey D

What's happening this week:
Sunday: Rock Solid 6.30 - 8.00 pm
Tuesday: Tuesday Fellowship 10.00 am
Wednesday: Ladies Group
Thursday: House Group Meeting

We extend a very warm welcome to all who are worshipping with us this morning, especially those who are with us for the first time. Wehope you will all join us for refreshments after the Service.

This Sunday the younger members of the congregation go to their own Junior Church activities part way through the services. Crayons, paper and toys are available at the back of the church for the younger ones to use at any time.

If you have anything for Shine, please contact Lisa or Ian.