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Shine 7 - 14 October 2007

Leading us in worship next week is Rev Keith Hunt (Communion)

Prayer for this week:
Accept our thanks, O God, for the life that is within us,
For the beauty that surrounds us and for the song of your creation.
Help us to make time in our busy lives to enjoy the work of your hands;
Flowers in respendent colours, clear bluey skies, clouds heavy with the rain,
Gently swaying trees, the babbling of a brook, sunrise and sunset.
There is just so much, if only we open our eyes and see.
Thank you for giving them to us so freely.
May we appreciate and be always mindful of your wonderful creation.

Please remember in your prayers this week:
John and Jackie D, Freda's son, David, Joyce, Mabel and Eileen.

Position for Circuit Manse Secretary
The Circuit is seeking someone to liaise with contractors etc to ensure that manses are kept in good repair. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Keith or Ruth.

7.30 pm Saturday 13 October 2007 - performed by John Froud. Tickets are £5 from the stewards or you can pay on the door on the night. If you can help with refreshments please contact Elaine.

Coffee Morning
10.00 am to 12.00 noon Saturday 13 October 2007 in aid of Keith's India project. Cakes - Phoenix cards - Bring and buy. Tea/coffee and biscuits 50p.

Christmas Fair
10.00 am to 12.00 noon Saturday 17 November 2007. We would like to set up a working party to organise this - there is a list on the Notice Board of "jobs" to do ... so if you feel you can help, then please add your name to the list. Thank you.

Circuit Network events
3.00 pm Saturday 13 October - October rally at Eccleshill - £4. Twenty questions, Palm Court Quintent and singers. Tea at 4.30 pm.

Worship leader training
Richard Atkinson has agreed to run a Worship Leaders training course for the Circuit. This is a 6 week course for anyone who feels called to lead worship in their local church. Worship Leaders are appointed via the Church Council and Local Preachers' Meeting: appointments are reviewed on a three-yearly basis. If you are interested, please contact Keith or speak to one of the stewards.

What's happening this week;
Monday - 6.30 pm Boy's Brigade
Tuesday - 10.00 am Tuesday Fellowship, 2.00 pm Pastoral Committee at Jackie M's, 7.30 pm Guides,
Wednesday - 2.15 pm Ladies Wednesday Group (Dr Christine Alvin - The History of Pain Control), 6.15 pm Rainbows and Brownies