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We're back! Why not join us?

We are delighted to be back worshipping each week.  It is so good to be able to meet each other face to face and to have a chat and a few giggles over coffee after the service.  Sadly, we have lost several of our older members over the last couple of years so we are a relatively small worshipping community with a mighty big heart for welcoming others, supporting one another and moving forward together.  If you'd like to join us, we'd love to see you and assure you of a warm welcome. If you're not quite sure what to expect take a look at our Sunday worship page - you can join in as much or as little as you wish.

We are looking forward to the uniformed organisations joining us for a parade service on the first Sunday in July. That would be a particularly good opportunity for your first visit as we hope that parents and friends will also be joining us.

Our groups are also back in full swing.  There's been a few changes since we emerged from the Pandemic - visit our Regular activities page for a full list. Please support them as you can.

Once again we are hoping to join in with the Thackley Scarecrow Festival - you might find Gloria makes another appearance so we hope you will visit us then. 
