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Gloria’s Story

Hi, my name is Gloria! 

I’m Thackley Methodist Church’s Scarecrow.

I was really pleased to take part in Thackley & Idle’s Scarecrow Festival on 19-22 August 2022. It was my second year in the Festival and I was very proud to wear my badge from last year.

Last year I took a few tumbles, but this year, we used the Easter Cross and I was much more stable. It was great to tell the visitors all about the story that Jesus told about the field I live in. We fastened this to the railings for all to see - read it now.

We also made up some activity packs for the children to take with them. These included the parable of the sower, some colouring pictures, a quiz sheet and a packet of seeds. I couldn’t believe how many people came to see me.  Nearly 200 activity packs were distributed, and lots of children took their photo with me.

We also posted videos, songs and activities about the parable of the sower on our Facebook page. I was amazed that photos of me reached over 2,000 people! Can you believe that? I was very happy to receive this message:

“Hello, my daughter received some seeds in the parable shower pack during the Thackley & Idle Scarecrow hunt. She is really keen to sow them. I was just wondering what the seeds were so we know when to plant?  The little gift packs were a lovely touch and we were very grateful.”

I got a bit soggy on the last day, but overall I had a great time and I’m thinking hard what story I can tell at next year's festival.

Thanks to Trueway Kids for providing printable resources and to the Bradford North Circuit Office for copying them.

The Festival raised £491 for the BIG Neonatal Appeal